Great Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslan Episode 18 | Release Date and Synopsis

Episode 18 synopsis

Alp Arslan made a plan to get Bust back from Bozan and went to the city. Suleiman did not follow this plan and surrendered to the traitors. Suleiman asked Bozan to release Sehver. When Bozan learned that the Shehzades were kidnapped, he agreed to give Mesud to take them back.

Suleiman went to the tribe and told his father that they had spoken to Bozan. Diogenes continued to question Akinay, but could not learn anything from her. Akca asked the Lord to release Akinay. Akinay was released shortly after and told Akca that her son was still alive.

Akca said that this matter should be kept as a secret and returned to the tribe with Akinay. Hassan checked the notes written about Bozan’s false religion and took action to take them to the Sultan.

Caghri says he will attack Bozan after the swap is over. Karaca went to Bust to save her brother’s life and told him about Caghri’s plan. Bozan realized that Yinal was right and made a deal with him. Hassan showed the notes he had prepared to the Sultan and then moved on to talk to the authors. Alparslan attacked the caravan carrying the weapons sent by Byzantium to Bozan.

Akca said that someone will attack Hassan. Hassan was assassinated on his way to talk to the writers. Caghri went to the exchange place and gave the Shehzades to Bozan. After Bozan sent Mesud, he attacked the Turks and executed Sehver.

Caghri blamed himself for all that had happened and returned to the tribe for the burial. After talking to Hassan, Alparslan went to the forest to catch Yinal. Alparslan was very angry with Yinal and went to the palace with him. Alparslan finally attacked the palace and killed Bozan. Alparslan declared that this palace and Bust now belong to Caghri.


Great Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslan Episode 18 Release Date in Different Countries

06:00 PM Monday  01:00 PM Monday  10:00 PM Monday 
 21 March 2022 21 March 2022 21 March 2022
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)

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