Barbaroslar Episode 25 | Release Date and Synopsis

Episode 25 Synopsis

Khizir caught Gabriel and went with him to the hill. Khizir asked Pierro to release Oruj and Antuan. Despite being a prisoner of Khizer, Gabriel stopped Pierro and asked him never to release Oruj. Khizir went to the ship to persuade Gabriel and asked Pasha to stop the attack.

Pablo started attacking Turkish ships with the great Venetian fleet. Khizir asked the archers to shoot flaming arrows and returned to Kelemez. Pasha wanted to kill Gabriel, but Khizir asked him for a day to save Oruj. Khizir tortured Gabriel with Piri, but could not make him speak. Pierro went to Kelemez and spoke to Gabriel.

Gabriel asked Pierro to keep Oruj in the dungeon and take the relics to Modon from Levitha.Oruj learned that Pierro was going to take the relics to Modon and wrote a letter to Khizir. Khizir read this letter and deciphered the hidden message inside with Meryem. Ilyas took Sahin from his duty after Pasha’s order and said Sahbaz is the new police chief.

Khizir and the sailors set out for Modon that night. The next day, Pasha told Khizir that his time was up and he took action to execute Gabriel. Sahbaz sneaked into the dungeon and abducted Gabriel from there. Khizir saw Pierro put the sacred items on a chariot and attacked shortly after. Khizir seized the sacred items. Pasha found out that Gabriel had escaped and was very angry. Sahbaz said Khizir did this job.

Gabriel went to the ship in the bay, but Khizir caught him again. Shehzade’s deputy came to Kelemez and asked Khizir to fix this as soon as possible. Khizir persuaded Gabriel to trade using the sacred items and set off. Khizir delivered the relics with Gabriel and saved Oruj. Sahbaz’s soldiers suddenly began to attack and injured Oruj.

Barbaroslar Episode 25 Release Date in Different Countries

06:00 PM Thursday  01:00 PM Thursday  10:00 PM Thursday 
 31 March  2022 31 March  2022 31 March 2022
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)


Barbaroslar  Episode 25 English Subtitles 👇

Barbaroslar Episode 25 English Subtitles, Barbroslar English Subtitles Episode 25, Watch and Download Barbroslar Episode 25  with English Subtitles free, here we found the Episode 25 for our viewers to enjoy it for free.

Barbaroslar  Episode 25 Urdu Subtitles 👇

Barbroslar  Episode 25 Urdu Subtitles,  Barbarslar   Subtitles Episode 25, Watch and Download Barbarslar Episode 25 with Urdu Subtitles free, here we found the Episode 25 for our viewers to enjoy it for free.

Episode 25 will appear here with Urdu subtitles after release