Mendirman Celaleddin Episode 7 | Release Date and Full Synopsis


Mendirman Celaleddin Episode 7 English Release Date and Episode 6 Full Synopsis

Jalaluddin went to the house in the market to help his brother Akshah. Meanwhile, Behram tried to kill Akshah, but when he failed, he ran away. Some bandits kidnapped a boy who was in the hands of Mongolian soldiers.

Timur understood Turkan’s plan and set out to go to his army. Mihri went to Turkan’s tent with Shirin. Mihri said she came to support Turkan. Behram gave an armor to Jalaluddin. Jalaluddin gave Kutlu an arrow and asked her to test the strength of the armor.

Genghis realized that the kidnapped child was Kutlu’s brother, and immediately sent his soldiers to find that boy. Jalaluddin and Akshah returned to the palace. The Sultan congratulated Akshah for what he had done and asked Jalaluddin to prepare for the war. Mongolian soldiers began following the tracks on the road and soon found the boy’s location.

Semseddinbek said he would save a soldier who supported Turkan but was from the dungeon. Jalaluddin said he would do something that no one expected to stop Turkan and sent a secret note to Timur. Before Jalaluddin left the palace, he spoke to the vizier Nizam and gave him a secret note as well. After talking to soldiers, Turkan asked Uzlagshah to stop Timur.

Meanwhile, one of Turkan’s commanders came and said that some soldiers were afraid of Jalaluddin. Turkan got out of her tent and started talking to the soldiers. Meanwhile, Jalaluddin came and said that he wanted to use the sword in his hand only against the Mongols.

Jalaluddin said that if Turkan wants war, she can attack him. Jalaluddin then asked Turkan to remember her promise. Turkan realized that Jalaluddin was doing something secret and decided to attack as soon as possible. Turkan prepared her entire army and started to advance for the attack. Alauddin said that whatever happens, the soldiers should defend the city.

Mendirman Celaleddin Episode 7 Release Date in Different Countries

06:00 PM Sunday 01:00 PM Sunday 10:00 PM Sunday 
 28 March 2021   28 March  2021   28 March  2021
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)


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