Barbaroslar Episode 23 | Release Date and Synopsis

Episode 23 Synopsis

Pablo started attacking with his pirates to kill Khizir. Sahsenem helped Khizir and saved his life. While Gabriel was taking Oruj to Modon, he said that he would avenge his father, who was killed many years before him.

Pasha learned that Oruj did not go to the court in Gelibolu and was very angry. Khizir said that Gabriel kidnapped Oruj, but he could not convince Pasha. Meryem argued with Sahsenem and said that she did not trust her. Piri said that the Ottoman Empire should help with Oruj, but Pasha said that such a thing would never happen.

Gabriel went to Kelemez after torturing Oruj and Antuan for a while. Gabriel said he had captured Oruj and wanted the fleet in exchange for his life. Khizir refused this offer. Khizir prepared to go to Modon, but Gabriel blew up all the Turkish ships.

Khizir asked Ilyas to protect Kelemez and secretly set out for Modon with a few sailors. That night, a great fire broke out in the warehouse in Kelemez. Pasha said that the island needed a new guard after this fire and asked Ilyas to take this task.

Khizir hoisted the Venetian flag on his ship and started preparing all the explosives. After what Firuze said, Isabel learned that Ilyas is the new guard. Meryem and Huma started arguing with Ilyas. After Khizir blew up the Venetian ships, he went in search of Oruj in Modon. Pasha said Khizir has gone to Modon and Oruj would die because of him. After what Pasha said, Ilyas was very scared and agreed to return the fleet.

Gabriel went to Kelemez and retrieved the fleet from Ilyas, but did not hand Oruj over to him. Pablo caught some of Khizir’s soldiers and said he would kill everyone. Oruj saw what Ilyas had done and said he made a mistake.


Barbaroslar Episode 23 Release Date in Different Countries

06:00 PM Thursday  01:00 PM Thursday  10:00 PM Thursday 
 10 March  2022 10 March  2022 10 March 2022
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)


Barbaroslar  Episode 23 English Subtitles 👇

Barbaroslar Episode 23 English Subtitles, Barbroslar English Subtitles Episode 23, Watch and Download Barbroslar Episode 23  with English Subtitles free, here we found the Episode 23 for our viewers to enjoy it for free.

Barbaroslar  Episode 23 Urdu Subtitles 👇

Barbroslar  Episode 23 Urdu Subtitles,  Barbarslar   Subtitles Episode 23, Watch and Download Barbarslar Episode 23 with Urdu Subtitles free, here we found the Episode 23 for our viewers to enjoy it for free.

Episode 23 will appear here with Urdu subtitles after release